National Animal Identification and Traceability System
The foundation for the revitalisation of Nigeria's domestic livestock sector.


Simple way to maximize your livestock Productivity

Location & monitoring
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Weight control
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Innovation & digitization
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What is the NAITS?
The National Animal Identification and Traceability System (NAITS) is a holistic animal information management system that monitors, identifies, and traces livestock across Nigeria. This system utilises forgery-proof ear tags, cattle passports, and digital technology (Ranch ID) to ascertain key data, such as proof of ownership and extensive animal information.
Read moreThe NAITS was developed to help resolve the social, economic, and security problems prevalent in the Nigerian livestock sector through
- Providing a highly localised solution that optimises the Nigerian Livestock sector
- Implementing easily deployable technology that will simplify animal management
- Developing a robust digital database on livestock in the country
- Improving Animal breeding practices and husbandry
- Promoting evidence-based policy intervention for optimal results

The NAITS will Revitalise the Livestock Sector.
(Use Cases)
The NAITS is the first step in formalizing the highly fragmented and informal livestock sector
which will be achieved through a comprehensive enumeration exercise. The NAITS
provides increased capacity to identify, trace & monitor livestock activity within Nigeria.
The NAITS will provide extensive benefits to Government and Public Sector Administrators that foster a more enabling environment to effectively and efficiently administer and grow the domestic livestock sector
The NAITS will provide extensive benefits to Livestock Producers to improve productivity and efficiency in their operations, fostering economic prosperity.
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What is the NAITS?
-The National Animal Identification and Traceability System (NAITS) is a robust animal information management system that identifies and traces livestock across Nigeria using forgery-proof ear tags, cattle passports, and digital technology.
What happens if the livestock does not have a tag?
- ID Ear Tags allow to effectively monitor, trace and track animals. When there are no Ear Tags on livestock, there are no means to clearly identify the animals.
What does the Barcode contain?
- The machine readable barcode contains animal ID, location of breeding and country code for proof of ownership
Are the ear tags reusable?
- Ear Tags are single use unique identifiers for each animal. The ear tag can last up to 10 years making them suited for the duration of life of the livestock
How does the NAITS align with the National Agricultural Technology and Innovation Policy (NATIP)?
-The NAITS is in line with NATIP, a policy that was developed to make Nigeria's food and nutrition secure through the extensive adoption of 21st-century knowledge, technology, and innovation in the agricultural sector.
What does the Ranch. ID tool do?
It is an effective electronic tool for tracking and identifying livestock and uses 2-dimensional data
matrix barcodes on ear tags in addition to scalable features like biometric identification
technologies like facial recognition.

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