Articles & Publications

The impact of animal traceability on livestock trading and export in Nigeria

In Nigeria, the livestock industry contributes significantly to the country's GDP and provides employment opportunities for millions of Nigerians. However, the industry has been plagued by a lack of regulation and poor animal health practices, which have resulted in low productivity and quality of livestock.

One of the major challenges facing the livestock industry in Nigeria is the absence of an effective animal traceability system. The lack of traceability  has made it difficult to trace the source of animal diseases, resulting in the spread of diseases and poor animal health. The poor animal health, in turn, has led to low productivity and poor quality of meat, which has negatively affected the profitability of livestock trading and export.

Until now, the absence of an animal traceability system has also made it difficult to access international markets for Nigerian livestock. Most developed countries have strict regulations regarding animal health and safety, and Nigeria's inability to demonstrate compliance with these regulations has resulted in a ban on the export of Nigerian livestock to some countries. According to the Nigerian Export Promotion Council (NEPC), Nigeria lost over $145 million annually between 2016 and 2018 due to the ban on the export of livestock to the European Union.

The introduction of an effective animal traceability system in Nigeria has the potential to revolutionize the livestock industry and improve the profitability of livestock trading and export. A traceability system like the NAITS will enable the monitoring of animal movement, health status, and treatment history, which will aid in the prevention and control of animal diseases. This, in turn, will improve animal health and productivity, resulting in higher-quality meat and increased profitability for livestock traders and exporters.

An animal traceability system will also help to improve Nigeria's access to international markets for livestock. The European Union has strict regulations regarding the importation of livestock, and the implementation of a traceability system will demonstrate Nigeria's commitment to complying with these regulations. This will result in increased demand for Nigerian livestock in international markets, which will ultimately benefit Nigerian livestock traders and exporters.

In addition, the implementation of a traceability system will improve transparency in the livestock industry, reduce fraud, and ensure that livestock products are safe for human consumption. Consumers are increasingly concerned about the source and quality of the food they consume, and a traceability system such as NAITS will provide them with the assurance that the meat they consume is safe and of high quality.

In conclusion, the introduction of an effective animal traceability system in Nigeria has the potential to transform the livestock industry and improve the profitability of livestock trading and export. The implementation of a traceability system will improve animal health and productivity, increase access to international markets, and improve transparency and safety in the livestock industry. It is essential for the Nigerian government and stakeholders in the livestock industry to work together to scale up the newly established traceability system-NAITS to unlock the potential of the livestock industry and improve the livelihoods of millions of Nigerians.